Bees do not learn to be cooperative - it is in their genes…
Bees do not learn to be cooperative - it is in their genes -
Scientists uncover how a single gene drives honey bee cooperation, revealing the genetic basis behind hive behavior and social unity.Rodielon Putol (…
Um “Universo espelho” retrocedendo no tempo pode ser a explicação mais simples para nosso Universo ser como parece
Um “universo espelho” pode ser uma explicação mais realista que o multiverso para as características que observamos no nosso UniversoThe Conversation
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Equipa de voluntários do Museu LOAD ZX Spectrum recuperou rede informática desenvolvida pela TIMEX Portugal
A TENET, ou TIMEX Educational NETwork foi uma tecnologia de rede desenvolvida em Portugal para o mercado educacional.Pedro Tróia (PCGuia)
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Super AI…
Softbank CEO says 'super AI' will arrive in 2035 and cost $9T
Oh, and it'll need the total current US power outputIain Thomson (The Register)
Your Consciousness Can Enter Alternate Dimensions While You’re Dreaming, Scientist Claims
Repetitive dreams and strong emotions in them could signal that you are glimpsing an alternate but real version of yourself, according to this provocative idea.Stav Dimitropoulos (Popular Mechanics)
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Elon Musk raises payment offer to $100 for voters who sign petition
Billionaire Elon Musk has upped his financial offer for registered swing state voters to sign a conservative-leaning petition.Kat Tenbarge (NBC News)
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The First Look at a Major 'Fantastic Four’ Character Has Finally Been Revealed
The First Look at a Major ‘Fantastic Four’ Character Has Finally Been Revealed
New art from New York Comic-Con has revealed the first look at H.E.R.B.I.E. in the upcoming Marvel Studios film, The Fantastic Four: First Steps.Adam Blevins (Collider)
‘Spider-Man 4’ Gets a Major Update From Tom Holland
‘Spider-Man 4’ Gets a Major Update From Tom Holland
Tom Holland recently dropped a major update on the progress of Spider-Man 4, revealing that he and Zendaya have read scripts for the film.Adam Blevins (Collider)
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Human Consciousness Comes From a Higher Dimension
Human Consciousness Comes From a Higher Dimension, Scientist Claims
When we think creatively or have “Eureka” moments, we may actually unlock access to a dimension outside of our everyday perception, according to the controversial theory.Stav Dimitropoulos (Popular Mechanics)
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